About Skoletorget

Teaching material and discussions

Skoletorget is a web site for Norwegian primary and secondary schools that provides teaching material for the following subjects in the national curriculum:

  • Norwegian
  • English
  • Social Studies
  • Christian knowledge and religion and ethical education
  • Mathematics
  • Science and the Environment

All the teaching material on the Skoletorget web site is accompanied by philosophical questions. These questions are suitable as food for thought for pupils and as points of departure for critical and explorative classroom discussions. The philosophical questions are intended to help students process the teaching material and to apply this knowledge to new contexts.

By participating in discussions generated by the philosophical questions, students will develop critical thinking skills, improve their ability to think logically and to formulate and communicate their thoughts. They will also learn to listen to others before forming their own opinions.

What will you find on the Skoletorget web site?

  • Informative and quality assured texts
  • ideas for philosophical discussions in the classroom
  • subject assignments
  • classroom activities
  • reference literature
  • Internet resources

The teaching material has been developed in accordance with the Norwegian national curriculum of 1997 (English version of Norwegian curriculum), and all the texts and teaching tools are available in printer-friendly PDF format. In order to read PDF files, you will need to download the free software application Adobe Acrobat Reader. Get Acrobat Reader

Behind the scene

In March 2002 philosophers Øyvind Olsholt and Ariane Schjelderup started to develop what was to become Skoletorget.no. They are co-founders of the registered company Barne- og ungdomsfilosofene ANS (Children and Youth Philosophers). Schjelderup and Olsholt have worked with children, youth and philosophy since 1997, and have also written several books on the subject. Ariane and (later) Anne Schjelderup joined the project in the spring of 2002. Tore Ferner and Brigid McCauley subsequently complemented the team. These five make up the current editorial team in Skoletorget.

Øyvind Olsholt
MA in Philosophy from Oslo University, proprietor of BUF, has worked with children and philosophy since 1997. Co-author of Filosofi i skolen, Tano-Aschehoug 1999, ("Philosophy in schools").

Ariane B. Schjelderup
MA in Philosophy from Oslo University, proprietor of BUF, has worked with children and philosophy since 1997. Co-author of Filosofi i skolen, Tano-Aschehoug 1999, ("Philosophy in schools"), and author of Filosofi – Sokrates, Platon og Aristoteles, Gyldendal 2001 ("Philosophy – Socrates, Plato and Aristotle").

Anne Schjelderup
Studying for MA in Pedagogical Education at Oslo University. Has held teaching positions at the Steiner School, Moss among others.

Brigid McCauley
BA in English and Translatology from Oslo University. Freelance translator (Norwegian-English). Primary responsibility is for the English language pages on Skoletorget.

Tore Ferner
Degrees in Engineering (physics and mathematics) and Philosophy from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Currently taking a course in philosophical practice at the Norwegian Society for Philosophical Practice (NSFP).

Future developments

Skoletorgets resources are at the present time available to all visitors to the web site. Since Skoletorget receives no government aid or other forms of financial support, future development and expansion of the web site may take time to realise.

During the course of 2004 we plan to implement a new publishing system. The new system will be database driven, which will simplify the editorial work. It will also allow greater visitor involvement.

Natur & miljø



In English

  © www.skoletorget.no