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5.-7. klasse Stories in English Robinson Crusoe, part II
 Stories in English deco

Robinson Crusoe

Part Two

Øyvind Olsholt/Clipart.com
Filosofiske spørsmål:
Øyvind Olsholt
Sist oppdatert: 20. januar 2004


Thus years and years passed away. Although I had, to some extent, become contented with my solitary lot, yet at times a terrible sense of loneliness and desolation would come over me. Many times I would go to the top of a hill where I could look out to sea in hopes of catching sight of a ship. Then I would fancy that, at a vast distance, I spied a sail. I would please myself with the hopes of it, and after looking at it steadily, till I was almost blind, would lose it quite, and sit down and weep like a child, and thus increase my misery by my folly.

A footprint

But one day I saw a sight which turned my thoughts in a new channel. It was the print of a naked foot upon the sand near the shore. It filled me with fear, for it showed that the island must sometimes be visited by savages.

Robinson interrupts the cannibal feast

One morning, going out quite early, I could see the light of a fire about two miles away. I went to the top of the hill and looked in the direction of the fire. I saw that five canoes were drawn up on the shore, while a swarm of naked savages were dancing about the fire. Presently they dragged two poor wretches from the boats. One of them was knocked down at once, and several of the savages set to work to cut him up. They were evidently cannibals, and were going to hold one of their horrible feasts on their captives.

The other captive was left standing for a moment, and seeing a chance to escape, started to run. I was greatly alarmed when I saw that he was coming directly towards me, but when I saw that only two pursued him, and that he gained upon them, I made up my mind to help him. When they were near enough, I took a short cut down the hill, and placed myself between pursuers and pursued. Then I advanced on the foremost, and knocked him down with the stock of my gun. The other took his bow and was going to shoot me, when I fired at him and killed him.

Then I made signs to the poor runaway to come to me, and he did so in fear and trembling, kneeling at my feet and setting my foot upon his head, as a sign that he was my slave.


I had now a companion, and in a short time I began to teach him to speak to me. First I let him know that his name was to be Friday, for that was the day I saved his life. Then I taught him everything that I thought would make him useful, handy, and helpful. I clothed him in a suit made of goatskins, and he seemed to be greatly pleased to be dressed like myself.

A ship in sight

After some time had passed over, Friday came running to me one morning to say that there was a ship in sight. Welcome as this news was, I thought I would not show myself until I could learn what had brought the ship there, and it was well that I did not. I watched in concealment and saw a boat leave the ship and make for the shore.

Eleven men landed, and I saw that three of them were bound as captives. They were laid upon the ground while the rest dispersed about the island. I approached the captives and questioned them, and found they were English, that one was the captain, and the others were the mate and a passenger, and that there had been a mutiny on the ship, and that the men, as a favour, instead of killing them, were going to leave them on the island.

Robinson leaves the island

I offered to aid them to recover the ship, and going back to the castle, I brought guns and gave them to them. When the men returned to the boat we shot two, who the captain said were the leaders, and the rest, taken by surprise, yielded to us. The captain made them swear that they would obey him faithfully, and then returned to the ship. Those on board were equally surprised at the turn affairs had taken, and when one of the worst was killed, were glad to return to their duty. Then the captain came back to the island, and told me that the ship and all that he had was at my service, in return for what I had done for him. I told him that all I asked was a free passage for Friday and myself back to England. To this he gladly assented. He provided me with clothing from his own wardrobe, and after I had arranged all my affairs, Friday and I went aboard. Thus, I left the island, twenty-eight years, two months, and nineteen days after I had landed upon it.

The death of Friday

Three days after we set sail, we saw a great fleet of small boats, full of savages, come paddling towards us as if to attack us. I told Friday to go on deck and speak to them in his own language; but he had no sooner spoken than they let fly a cloud of arrows at him, three of which hit him, and the poor fellow fell dead. In a rage, I ordered the ship's guns to be fired into the fleet. Half of the canoes were destroyed, while the rest scoured away so fast that in a short time none of them could be seen. Poor honest Friday we buried in the sea, with all the honour possible. So ended the life of the most grateful, faithful, and affectionate servant that ever man had.

Final words

And now there is little more to tell. I arrived safely in England, glad to be back in my old home once more, and desiring nothing but to spend the rest of my days in peace and quietness.

Suggested topics for philosophical discussion

  1. Robinson discovers the savages as they are about to kill and eat two prisoners. One of them is killed immediately, but the other one (Friday) tries to escape and succeeds because Robinson shoots one of his pursuers.

    Did Robinson do the right thing in saving Friday this way? Is he entitled to interfere with (har han rett til å gripe inn i) the age-old rituals of the savages? If so, what gives him such a right?

    If someone were to say that it is forbidden to kill animals, what would you answer? For the sake of the argument, let's agree that it is forbidden. Have you then got a right to kill animals who kill other animals?
  2. After Robinson had freed the captain of the ship, the captain made the rebels swear (sverge) that they would obey him. But how could he trust them this time? Do you think he let them walk freely about on the ship or do you think he locked them up until they arrived safely in England? Do you trust people when they swear not to do something? Is it impossible to go back on an oath? Why, why not?
  3. When Robinson is back in England, he wants nothing but "peace and quietness". Isn't that a bit strange considering that he had been twenty-eight years alone (with Friday) on an isolated island? Why would he want even more peace and quietness when he came back to the pulsating English civilisation? Because he missed the quietness of the island perhaps?

    Do you want peace and quietness sometimes? When is that? When do you not want peace and quietness? Would you like to live your whole life peacefully and quietly? Why, why not?
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