The Life and Works of William Blake
William Blake (1757-1827)
Brigid McCauley/Clipart.com
Faglig konsulent:
Geir Uthaug
Filosofiske spørsmål:
Brigid McCauley og Øyvind Olsholt
Sist oppdatert: 13. februar 2004
Blake is today recognised as a highly original and important poet
in English literature, as well as a revolutionary and visionary
artist. This, however, was not the case at the time of his death
in 1827, for Blake was also an individualist to the point of being
isolated from society, and refused to compromise when it came to
matters of personal and spiritual freedom for everyone. Indeed,
the few obituaries
that were written at the time focused more on the man's eccentric
behaviour than on his artistic and literary achievements
and it took many years before Blake’s contribution
to art, literature and psychology was properly acknowledged
as truly original and groundbreaking.
A life devoted to art
William Blake was born in London in 1757, the son of a London hosier.
He was one of four children. Already at the age of nine, he told
his parents that he had seen visions,
mostly of angels, and he continued to see such visions for the rest
of his life. Blake's artistic ability
became evident
already as a child, and at the age of ten he was sent to drawing
the age of 14, he began his seven-year apprenticeship
as a copy engraver,
after which he began to make
his living by working for London book and print publishers.
For a short period of time he attended the Royal Academy of
Arts, but arguments with his teachers and the lack of interest
shown in his work discouraged
him from continuing any formal education
in painting. Blake's first collection
of poems, Poetical Sketches, was published privately
by supportive friends in 1783. He married in 1782, and his wife
Catherine became his devoted
assistant. Soon after, Blake set up a print
shop that later failed, but he managed to make a modest
living from illustrating books, giving drawing lessons, and
engraving designs made by other artists.
In 1800 the Blakes moved to Sussex, in the south of England, where
he worked for his patron
and friend, the landowner
and poet William Hayley. This was the first and only time Blake
lived outside London. It was during this period that his eyes were
opened to the spiritual
revelations of the natural world, and he began work on his two
great apocalyptical
works Milton and Jerusalem. However, after
three years of work that Blake considered creatively and spiritually
he returned to London.
Blake continued to write and publish his own collections of poems,
though toward the end of his life he gave up poetry and devoted
himself entirely to painting and engraving. Although many of
his contemporaries
considered him to be insane,
despite his obvious artistic talents, he did win the admiration
of a small group of young artists. Although the Blakes experienced
periods of commercial
success, they also experienced periods when they had difficulty
in making
ends meet.
The world in which Blake lived
William Blake grew up in a world that was undergoing
dramatic changes. The second half of the eighteenth century saw
the beginnings of industrialisation
in Britain (later known as the Industrial Revolution),
something that made the plight
of the poor and uneducated
even more miserable
and hopeless.
Adults and children alike were forced to work
long hours in factories,
and coalmines,
working under dangerous and inhumane
conditions for a meagre
Outside of Britain, other important events
during Blake's early life, most importantly the
American War of Independence in 1775 and the outbreak of the
French Revolution fourteen years later in 1789. These events
to Blake's political radicalism, for he strongly believed in
the emancipation
and freedom of the human spirit.
Blake wrote poems about both these historical events.
Blake the Radical
Politically speaking, Blake was a radical, with an instinctive
to tyranny
and a distrust
of authority
wherever he found it, be it in kings, priests or politicians. He
attacked established values
and institutions of his time, including the
conventional views on slavery, social
issues, religion and art.
One particular episode in Blake's life took place during his time
in Sussex, and left a permanent mark
on the man and his work. In 1803, a soldier had entered his garden,
apparently to urinate
(according to one version of this dramatic event).
While physically pushing the soldier off his property,
Blake was said to have sworn
at the soldier and to have damned
the king. He was consequently charged
with sedition and put
on trial.
The background to this event is important to remember here, for
it took place during the Napoleonic
Wars, when England was at war with France. Strict laws were
introduced to control civil
disobedience, and the penalty
for sedition was hanging.
Although he was finally acquitted,
Blake was convinced that he was being hunted
down by the authorities
because of his radical opinions.
The artist and poet
around him, Blake saw tendencies to attempt
to restrict
human capacity
and the freedom of the imagination,
all of which strengthened
his commitment
to man's basic right to social, political, religious and sexual
Along with the Romantic poets, Blake sought
out a spiritual truth, a truth that could only be achieved
by the use of feelings and the imagination. He believed that man
originated from a spiritual
realm, and was born as a free spirit,
but that as a result of the deeply negative influence
from the earth itself, man became trapped in the confines
of his physical body and the five senses,
which limited his capacity
for perception. The only way to be freed from this confinement
was by what he called "Imagination",
the capacity to apprehend
realities beyond the prison
of the physical world.
When considering the totality
of Blake's work, it has been suggested that he worked on two levels;
a commercial, or worldly level, and a spiritual level. On the one
hand he worked as a commercial engraver, undertaking engraving and
printing jobs for his customers.
On the other hand he produced his personal, spiritual work, and
it was this part of Blake's work that inspired his development of
illuminated printing and prophetic
books, written "so that the spirits could see them". The
poems in Blake's Prophetic Books were exciting texts of
a mystical nature, and very few people could understand them—not
even Blake's closest friends. Today they are considered to be masterpieces,
expressing Blake's belief in a spiritual world and his hope that
man can overcome all limitations
means of the spirit within himself.
Blake was above all a great religious thinker who used both art
and words to express mental and spiritual truths that had been forgotten
by an increasingly
materialistic society.
Blake's great achievement was to uphold
the image of the spiritual man in a world dominated by material
forces. This he was able to do because he felt himself part
of a vast
spiritual world, a world that had been revealed
to him in his visions. Some regarded him as not
clearly in his right mind, but others were convinced
that what he saw was true. It is a question of what kind of world
you believed in. And to Blake, reality was spirituality.
Songs of Innocence and Experience
Blake published Songs of Innocence
and of Experience:
the Two Contrary
States of the Human Soul in 1794, and this collection of forty-six
poems has
a unique position in English literature. Some of them—The
Tyger, for example—are among the best-known poems in
the English language.
The book combines two sets of poems: Songs of Innocence
and Songs of Experience. These two sets of poems have generated
much critical discussion as to how Blake intended
them to be understood. But there is general agreement
that the two sets of poems are related by the principle of contrast;
a contrast between the state of Innocence—to be understood
as childhood, idealism, hope—and that of Experience—to
be understood as adulthood, disillusionment,
social criticism, and despair.
The poems were also meant to be interpreted
on another level;
that of the world before and after the Fall
of Man, and of the struggle within the soul
itself. Blake came to see these two states as "contraries
in the human soul!". At first, Innocence is the world
of the Lamb, the world of the true God of Love and Understanding,
or Jesus, while Experience is the work of the false God,
or the great negative influence. But if we can see this, then Experience
can also be a means
of achieving true insight.
Blake does not tell the reader how these poems should be read,
nor is he trying to say that one state is better than the other,
but rather
it up to the readers to draw their own conclusions.
Suggested topics for philosophical discussion
- Visions
Blake had visions all his life. He "saw"
angels and probably many other "things" that he was
were actually real. What is the difference between a vision
and an idea? If you think very hard about a person, are you
then having a vision of that person? And if you dream
about ogres
and fairies,
are you then having a vision about them?
- Civil
If we break the law,
we are usually considered criminals. But sometimes the law itself
is considered "criminal" because it violates
the sense
of justice that most people in a society feel. Then we might
have what is called civil disobedience: people refuse
to act in
accordance with the law. Do you think that civil disobedience
should be punished? Or should the state automatically change
its laws because the majority of the people dislikes them? Did
Blake exercise
civil disobediance when he pushed the soldier off his property?
- Innocence
What is innocence? Is it something that only children
possess, or can adults also be innocent? Can you be
innocent even though you have great knowledge, or even
though you have done evil things towards other people? Are innocent
people happy? Or can you be innocent and unhappy?
- Experience
What is experience? Why is this quality associated
with grown-ups only, and not with children? How old do you have
to be to have experience? Do you think Blake was right
in believing that we look at life differently as we grow up
to become adults? If so, why? Or do we always look at life in
the same way, no matter how old we become? Do we automatically
become better people when we gain experience of the world around
- Radical
What is a radical? Is it a good thing to be, or is
it bad? Can you think of anyone whom you would call a radical?
If so, which qualities does that person have that make him a
radical? What is the opposite of being radical? Is it possible
to be radical and conservative at the same time?
- Reality and spirituality
To Blake "reality was spirituality". In other
words, he believed that the visible, audible
and tangible
world, is not reality as such. Reality, or the "real"
world, can only be grasped
by the human spirit with the help of "imagination".
Do you think there are two separate worlds: one material and
one spiritual world? Or is the one just a copy of the other?
Do you feel that you know anything about the spiritual world?
Are there ways of telling whether two persons have the same
idea about the spiritual world? Or must each person necessarily
have their own idea about the spiritual world, one that is different
from the ideas of other people?